Case Foundation

Working Hand In Hand For Autism

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Early Intervention

Early Intervention

At CASE, we recognize that early intervention is imperative for children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder or ASD. This will help them in developing skills they need to carry out routine tasks and integrate with the society seamlessly.

Early intervention refers to specialized care for children with Developmental Delay, ASD and Language and Speech delays. You should seek early intervention as soon as your child’s needs are diagnosed. The intervention may comprise of education, therapies, and other supports.

You will also come across terms, such as early childhood early intervention and early childhood intervention, which mean intervention for children along with their immediate families through the early years to the time they start attending school.


Popular Early Intervention Methodologies


Applied Behavior Analysis or ABA, accepted as the de facto behavioral therapy for ASD, is included in most of the early intervention procedures. It comprises of a diverse class of therapies that utilize reward-based techniques for encouragement and skill set reinforcement.


Early Start Denver Model or ESDM implements the approaches of ABA during play for enabling a child to forge relationships, talk, and express emotions.


Pivotal Response Treatment or PRT, also based on ABA and deployed during play, focuses on pivotal developmental areas, such as self-management and motivation, instead of particular skills.


Other ABA-based therapies target specific skills. For instance, Joint Attention, Symbolic Play, Engagement, and Regulation or JASPER emphasizes social communication abilities. In Discrete Trial Training or DTT target skills are further reduced into smaller functions before they are imparted. Another treatment known as Strategies for Teaching based on Autism Research or STAR employs DTT and PRT in classrooms.


Newer Treatments like Preschool Autism Communication Trial or PACT concentrate on social communication challenges. It teaches you to identify and respond to your child’s communication attempts.


At CASE, we are committed to empowering children diagnosed with ASD and their immediate families by providing access to evidenced based data, services, and support.

Schedule a consult today or request a call-back now for more information.