Case Foundation

Working Hand In Hand For Autism

    English English Spanish Spanish

Self-Contained Classrooms

Self-Contained Classrooms at a Glance

a) Self-contained classrooms are equipped with a special education instructor for imparting lessons on all academic topics.

b) They are constructed within a local school though isolated from a general education setting.

c) It is necessarily a placement for special education that is positioned close to the middle of program alternatives in terms of restrictiveness. A home or a hospital placement happens to be most restrictive whereas a general classroom is the least.

d) Instructor-to-learner ratios in these classrooms are maintained in a way to facilitate the special learning process.

e) Children placed in self-contained educational environments are provided with a comprehensive behavioral and/or educational care ecosystem.


Self-Contained Classrooms for Learners with Disabilities

a) The term self-contained classroom is often used to indicate learners with disabilities instead of advanced or gifted students.

b) They usually cater to children with disabilities that prohibit them from attending general education teachings. Young learners with ASD, emotional disturbances, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD, multiple handicaps, critical intellectual impairments, and juvenile individuals or child-students with fragile or severe health complications benefit from these classrooms.

c) Self-contained classrooms are meant for children with significant cognitive impediments or behavioral issues. The objective of self-contained education is to maintain the quality time that a child would otherwise spend in traditional classrooms. Its smaller instructor-to-learner ratio allows the teacher to give more attention to individual students.

d) Often self-contained classroom students participate in special instruction areas, such as music, art, humanities, or physical education.

It is possible that students who begin their early childhood education in a self-contained classroom for autism and are instructed with comprehensive evidenced based strategies in curriculum, social/emotional, independent functioning and communication, gradually transition to placement in a general education setting.


At CASE, we strive to improve living standards for children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder or ASD. We do it by providing complete access to our evidence-based knowledge-resources, support tools, and research data.

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