Case Foundation

Working Hand In Hand For Autism

    English English Spanish Spanish

Individual Education Plan

IEP- Individualized Education Plan

In the United States, children with learning problems of many kinds, including Autism Spectrum Disorder, may qualify for support under the IDEA or Individuals with Disabilities Act.  Students will qualify after being evaluated by the school or district psychologist and will be given eligibility for special services if they qualify based on meeting the criteria for such services.  This plan is called an IEP or an individualized Education Plan.

A team of education professionals including the school psychologist, general education and exceptional student education teachers, speech and language pathologist, occupational and/or physical therapist, autism coach and a local educational authority (LEA), will meet with parents at least once a year to formulate an individual educational plan.  This ensures that the educational, social emotional, independent functioning and communication needs of the student are addressed, and specific goals are written to meet the student’s needs. Families are also allowed to bring representation for support if they wish.