Case Foundation

Working Hand In Hand For Autism

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Learn the Signs

Learn the Signs of ASD and Seek Immediate Medical Assistance

Autism Spectrum Disorder or ASD manifests after the first thirty-six months since birth and lasts throughout one’s lifetime. Studies suggest that over one out of every four parents of children identified an issue before their child’s first birthday, and nearly four out of five parents noticed problems by two-years of age.

At CASE, we are relentlessly engaged in educating parents of children with ASD by offering access to resources and information that help to identify symptoms as soon as they manifest.  We encourage early intervention of evidenced-based therapies and educational strategies once a child has been diagnosed with ASD.

Note that the disorder manifests before the age of three and lasts throughout the lifetime, but symptoms may mitigate over time.


Identifying Children on the Spectrum

A few children with ASD exhibit some traits of ASD within the initial few months after their birth. However, symptoms may not develop until the age of two or later in others. A number of children with ASD appear to be growing normally until around one-and-a-half to two years of age, and after that period, they cease acquiring new skills or lose those they already learned.


Potential Symptoms of ASD

Children with ASD might:

a) Not respond to when being called by one-year of age

b) Not exhibit signs of interest by pointing at objects by the age of fourteen months

c) Not engage in role-play games like pretend to babysit a doll

d) Prefer to be alone

e) Refrain from making eye contact

f) Experience difficulty in expressing their own emotions or interpreting feelings of other people

g) Have delayed language abilities and speech

h) Repeat phrases or words continuously

i) Provide irrelevant responses to queries

j) Get upset over trivial matters

k) Have obsessive interests

l) Flap their hands, spin in circles, or rock their body

m) React unusually to the way they smell, hear sounds, see, taste, or feel


Early Warning Signs

Social issues associated with ASD are as follows:

a) Does not make any attempt of sharing an interest with anyone

b) Only communicates for accomplishing a preferred objective

c) Displays inappropriate or emotionless facial expressions

d) Unable to comprehend the concept of personal space

e) Resists or avoids physical contact

f) Cannot be comforted by others when distressed


Communication Disabilities

 Communication issues associated with ASD are as follows:

a) Reverses pronouns, for instance, uses you in place of I

b) Does not react or point to when being pointed at

c) Makes use of no or few gestures, for instance, does not wave hands to imply goodbye

d) Speaks in a mechanical, sing-song, or emotionless tone

e) Not able to comprehend sarcasm, teasing, or jokes


CASE is committed to serving parents, educators, and schools in the Caribbean by providing behaviour management training, organizational outreach initiatives, and continuous curriculum development.

Schedule a consult today or request a call-back now if you think you need expert guidance.