Case Foundation

Working Hand In Hand For Autism

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Progress reports

IEP Progress Reports

IEP (Individualized Education Plan) progress reports are forms that reflect data that supports degrees of progress or failure to make progress on a student’s goals written on the IEP.  They should also include insight into why progress was or was not made.  If progress is not being achieved, the parents and IEP team can meet to decide if the goal is appropriate for the student’s ability or if the goal needs to be adjusted.
Progress reports are usually sent out quarterly along with report cards.  While report cards give the student’s progress in all academic as well as social and independent functioning areas, progress reports are specific to the goals that are written on the IEP.  They reflect goals written in academics, social emotional, independent functioning and communication areas of the student’s IEP.
The goals written on a student’s IEP are very specific to how and when progress will be made.  Goals are written for annual measurement.  During an IEP meeting, the parents and IEP team review the IEP goals.  By doing this, the home-school connection is reinforced and parents as well as school personnel can participate in the student’s progress towards his or her goals.