Case Foundation

Working Hand In Hand For Autism

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Social Narratives

How to Write Social Narratives About Home and Family

Social narratives help learners with any development condition, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder or ASD, interpret a particular social circumstance. If you are planning to start working on a Social StoryTM, you should prepare a comprehensive list of potential social settings in the first place. To accomplish this, you should critically evaluate the data already collected. Begin by thoroughly analyzing the identified behavior and assess the baseline information obtained by directly monitoring the learner diagnosed with ASD. Finally, formalize a measurable outcome or objective for the child on the spectrum.


The three major steps for writing a Social StoryTM are outlined below.

A) You begin by taking a mental note of the child with ASD’s behavior you wish to shape.

B) You then start gathering baseline information by directly observing the child for figuring out in what settings does it occur and how often.

C) Finally, you proceed to define an outcome or objective that clearly states the following.

At CASE, we aim to reduce the myriad of challenges experienced by children diagnosed with ASD in their daily life. We do it by adopting researched approaches, and fostering a culture of collective knowledge sharing.


Authoring a Social Story™ About Family and Home

Prior to creating a Social StoryTM, you should always remember to collect ample data about the social circumstance. As you collect information, make a point to monitor the chosen social setting wherever applicable. However, particular social situations, such as a school field excursion, are highly unlikely to be monitored in advance.

Consider the following when doing an observation:

Apart from directly observing your learner, enquire with everyone connected to the social circumstance for data collection, which you could employ for crafting the Social StoryTM. Once you have gathered adequate data, you can think of drafting your Social StoryTM.

Social Stories™ make good use of two kinds of sentences, namely, authoritative sentences and descriptive sentences. Descriptive sentences can include affirmative sentences, cooperative sentences, and perspective sentences. On the contrary, authoritative sentences offer recommendations for responses or behaviors in a social setting.

An effective Social StoryTM should be able to illustrate the social circumstance. Keep in mind to use only one authoritative sentence for every 2 to 5 descriptive sentences in your Social StoryTM. Once you have completed drafting the story, read it several times and encourage others to carefully go through your story. This collective evaluation will help you ascertain whether the story is able to address the social circumstance and if the learner will find it appropriate.


Key Considerations for Creating Your Social Story™

In addition to penning the Social StoryTM from the perspective of your learner, you should also take account of the following.


Vital Tips for Preparing Power Cards

Power Cards are essentially pocket-sized cards that offer a trimmed-down version of the potential social scenario and include the following.

Power Cards are purpose-designed to exploit the special interests of a learner for reinforcement. Accumulate data through directly monitoring your learner for understanding what are the topics that intrigue him or her.

The Power Card is comprised of a small card with an abridged story setting for ready recollection. The use-case for the story addresses the following.

Remember the following things to design your display:


At CASE, we help to increase the social acceptability of children diagnosed with ASD in the community where they belong. We provide access to our tools, resources, care, services, and support.

Schedule a consult today or request a call-back now to know more.